Born Again | Teen Ink

Born Again

April 7, 2016
By FlamingSpark BRONZE, Mangalore, Other
FlamingSpark BRONZE, Mangalore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was  endearing

The sweep of warmth that brushed over me

Reviving me of my lost emotions

As a piece of art brought to life by the toiling artist

An illusion embraced my heart,

soul and mind alike…

Shooting vibes over the dark mind

Pushing me out of the cocoon

I had spun myself into…

Words adjoined themselves

with rising passion and urging hormones…

Never knew what came over me,

unexplained string of new feelings…

Noone knew what stood behind my silly smile,

Stupidly,me too…

I saw the darkness burst into hues

Complications breaking down into simpler paths

Pushing away complacency with the tips

of my now energised limbs…

Enthusiasm brought back what they called Love,

lifting me up from the ditch I had fallen into…

Oblivious to what happened around,

An ignoramus that I had become

Overjoyed at the scurrying revival of my words

hid behind translucent curtains unable to explain

the reason behind my tapping toes…

Looking back, It never was,

The obsession I threw over me

Where was this? The Ecstasy.

Giggling innocently like a tender child,

Rejoicing my new birth,

Reborn, as me again.

Walking over the torn down forts of dreams

It has been time,HIGH time…

I looked through the  tiny gap

where light seeped in and yelled,

“Hell Yeah! I am Back!”

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