The Box | Teen Ink

The Box

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

The only woman in the world.
Given a box with the world’s biggest secrets,
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

Only she could release the monsters inside.
Plagued with evil and disease.
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

A beautiful young woman, the only of her kind.
Pandora, handmade by gods themselves.
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

Humanity’s thoughts were vacant, before these problems unearthed.
Her father’s words rang, as she opened the box.
“Never open it, Pandora!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

She brought forth problems that were, until now, unseen.
The only thing the box held on to: hope.
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

The only word humanity held on to: hope.
One woman, and the world’s biggest secrets.
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed her the key.

The only word humanity holds on to: hope.
“Never open it!” said Father, as he handed us the key.

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