Crucifying the King | Teen Ink

Crucifying the King

March 18, 2016
By ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ascharff GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The God of creations
relinquished his son
to lay down his life
and protect us of sin.

The air of despair
blew through the town,
the first rooster crowed,
Peter denied him.
Strike one...

Warnings approached, but he didn’t listen, the second rooster crowed, Peter denied him. Strike two...

Time ticks down, pressure gets closer, the third rooster crowed, Peter denied him. Strike three…

Clocks ticking, palms sweating, hearts racing...The time to choose,
Merciful or Vicious…
“Time's up, you go!”

Bones shattered,
blood, dripping down wounded flesh,
He is nailed to the cross.

Time inches closer
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”
“My God, My God, why
have you forsaken me?”
Life flees him...

The earth shakes,
the tombs break,
the dead awake.
The sacrifice of a lifetime.

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