Now You See Me | Teen Ink

Now You See Me

March 10, 2016
By Jhpopovsky BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
Jhpopovsky BRONZE, Moreland Hills, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now you see me
Now you don't
It's all about you
It's all about me
What about them?
Now you see me
Now you don’t
Now you see him
His children and his loving arms
That stretch to embrace you when we don't understand
When we can’t understand
Now you see me
Now you don't
He makes you feel comforted in times of confusion and hurt
What about us?
We feel confusion and hurt
Betrayal is no easy thing once they see you
Now they see you
Now they don’t
But did they really see you?
Were their eyes focused
Pinpointing every detail about the shape of your face and figure
Or were they staring endlessly past you
Seeing something else entirely
How can they not see you
If they never really saw you?
Now you see me
Now you don't
What is real and
What is not
All seem to blend
The ones who are seen are mixed with the ones who are not seen
Did we see you see us?
Or did we know that you were dazing past us into the forgotten beyond?
Now we see you
Now we don’t

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