November 8, 2013 | Teen Ink

November 8, 2013

March 11, 2016
By loIali BRONZE, Youngstown, Ohio
loIali BRONZE, Youngstown, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I’m scared you will realize I am just bones and questions and leave me for something solid.

there is something so fulfilling about laying in bed at 8.51 pm with your legs throbbing and numb and knowing it’s because you walked. I walked from the school to the library , from the library to the field behind the track where we lay in the dormant grass , and from the field to dunkin . I love the fall.  I love walking . I love walking in the fall . especially at around 4.30 , when the sun is starting to sink below the horizon , off the give light to somewhere far more exotic than Ohio . I think it’s the air . the leaves , they smell like cinnamon and dirt and memories . or the grass . it tries to hold you up but bends ever so slightly with a defeated sounding crunch . the sky the clouds the sunsets the birds the life . it’s all so real . summer is unrealistically hot and winter is unrealistically cold . I think people are like seasons , sometimes . like , some people will lie to you so you don’t get hurt ; they are unrealistically warm to the touch and summer . other people are so honest it hurts ; they are unrealistically cold to the touch  and winter . and then , very rarely , you’ll find someone who is the perfect concoction of brutal honesty with a delivery so gentle you end up thanking them , not getting mad ; they are realistically cool to the touch, never quite able to get warm enough , right ? and they are autumn and they are you . you are not fall , you are autumn . autumn just sounds beautiful and amazing and perfect and real and so you that you would think it actually was you . maybe i’m over-romanticizing this season but if it’s sad that the best part of my day was shuffling through piles of leaves and turning my wind-blown face to the right to see his goofy-smiling , equally red face and drinking hot chocolate then you know what? I don’t ever want to be happy .

The author's comments:

Unlike my previous entry, this was during a good peirod with my boyfriend. My life at this point was very happy and I felt so great. 

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