My Fire | Teen Ink

My Fire

March 8, 2016
By evaschott GOLD, Bexley, Ohio
evaschott GOLD, Bexley, Ohio
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Moderation is a fatal thing; nothing succeeds like excess"

My knees knocked together as my hands trembled from the cold

I thought you could be my candle but I knew within minutes that you were a forest fire, and I was running out of oxygen

Your eyes burned through me like a red-hot blades and I knew that I didn't stand a chance

You showed me how nice the heat could be; cozy and comfortable, or urgent and passionate

But every time you left the cold reclaimed me and it seemed so much worse than before

You taught me to need you. We were drowning together and I somehow forgot that it was your idea to take a swim

I let you save me, convince me that you were the only source of heat I could ever have

But now you're gone, and the cold has spread into my chest, and my legs don’t have much more strength in them

You made me forget how to keep myself warm, and now I'm freezing to death

But you don't mind. You took your heat elsewhere.

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