The Battles of Life | Teen Ink

The Battles of Life

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

A worn statue
Calls all to war
To see who will rule
The land of blood.

Order charges in
With stallions and soldiers
Years of preparation
To seize the leather Circlet
And rule the land strict and with no rest.

Freedom bursts forward
It won’t stand to be ruled by anyone
They charge through Order
To destroy the Circlet
With chaos to ensue, forever.

Greed seizes the chance
And slices through them all
To grasp at the red land
And squeeze the power from it
Leaving the land, a shell of itself.

Marches forward
They wait and think
Devising the perfect plan
But are they to late?

The association of Peace
Wish to stop the war
Through protest
And arguing
Yet nobody would listen.

A worn statue, besieged by war
Calls all to stop
It takes the circlet
And the land of blood
And ends them.

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