Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

February 8, 2016
By Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from
A family a five that didn't always get along
From the youngest of three boys
From “Your brother did that better”
I am from
Baseball games with the family to Brewer games with friends
From running the bases to watching Mlb on the couch
From tailgating through the first inning to get in one last laugh
I am form
One more mile to you gotta kick it in
From so tired that it is hard to stand to running faster than I thought it could
From a pr to coach saying “I know you could have done better”
I am from
Late nights to later mornings
From “How did you eat that so fast” to “Where did it all go”
From naps in the middle of the day to being late

I am from
Captian Kirk
Kirk Master
Kirk Mark
Coach Kirk

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