Thank You Found. | Teen Ink

Thank You Found.

February 1, 2016
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

The weird girl on the street,
Just moved in,
Her hair long and thin,
She was so shy no one gave in to talk,
They avoided her like the plague,
She walked so scared she looked like she had a wooden leg,
Moved a few days back,
Felt like she got slapped in this new world,
Like she did not belong,
A melody in a song,
Repeating itself till it rhymed,
Always on the swings alone,
Had a phone with empty messages,
Pretty but no where to go,
Sat in over average classes,
Failing her way was not okay,
Learning issues no one knew,
Told her she was stupid on cue,
Thats the life of the girl so sublime,

2 years later through the twine,
You see this girl,
Laughing like she was not even mine,
Friends she know she will keep forever,
Confidence leaped across the Pi-Chart,
She felt free to eat a pop tart without being judged,
Little girl got through the rugged path,
On her way to success,
It will not always be a laugh,
More hardships will come,
Thank you Prep,
For feeling  free to talk openly,
Here I stand,
Thank You for helping me finding a group of people who have been in the same strand of land.

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