Aspergers | Teen Ink


January 19, 2016
By isaice13 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
isaice13 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday I see her

But I can never be prepared

Some days are better than others

We get along

We see eye to eye

I don't have to think about the words I say

"Will this upset you?"

"If it does, will I be able to shut it down?"

Not all days are like this

Some days

All Hell breaks loose

With my every action

Comes interrogation

One toe out of line

can lead to a scene

And my total



I want to scream

I want to cry

I want to curse

I want to punch and kick

I want to end the friendship

On the spot


But I am forced to hide this emotion

That rushes to me within seconds

With a fake smile

And a sigh

I know that if I react like that

I will be just as humiliated

And nothing would be accomplished


Seeing her everyday

Is the hardest thing

Knowing I have no controlover the situation

Yet neither does she


The rage, hate, and frustration

Rushes to me

When I paste the fake smile on my face

And let off a small sigh

I have to remind myself

She can't control it

She couldn't stop it

From selecting her

Everyday I see her

Not knowing what her


Has in store for me

How far it will push the limit

If my fake smile will finally fall off

And my rush of emotions will let loose


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