''Losing Her'' | Teen Ink

''Losing Her''

January 19, 2016
By _Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
_Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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My biggest fear is one day you will see me the way I see myslef

Watching her leave

was something I

couldn't take

she left leaving 

me with a lot

of heartache.

Packing her things

so she could

leave tomarrow she

was leaving her

family with a

lot of pain and


Waking up the 

next day knowing

she was going 

to leave.

It was something 

that was hard

to believe.

Crying in eachothers

arms for a

very short time.

This is going to 

be a hill 

that is too 

steep to climb.

Hugging her so tight

it alomost felt 


But letting go

of her was

going to be

a hard fight.

saying our last

goodbyes, i look

straight into her eyes

and said 

"I love you mommy"

for the last time.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem remembering when my mom left me. I miss her like crazy. I have been through many hospitals, and deppression spells. But i am still fighting through this. I have so much support from friends and some family. 

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