A job called "Life" | Teen Ink

A job called "Life"

January 5, 2016
By _Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
_Battles_ BRONZE, Mt.summit, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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My biggest fear is one day you will see me the way I see myslef

She pullls up her sleeves of her black shirt.

She wonders why her body still works.

She sees the scars from her past times.

She picks up the razor.

Then she thought "No im wasting my time"

Those scars on her arms mean something. 

But they mean something that she wants no one to know.

She is still fighting a battle.

A battle called "Life"

She thought she thought she might die.

But then she realized she has a job.

The most important job in the world.

The job to..."Stay Alive"

The author's comments:

Everyone has a battle behind them. A battle deep within. A battle you won't tell anyone. But if you hold it in too long, you wont see what is out there in the real world. Keep moving on. We all have a job. The job to stay alive.

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