Good Team Recipe | Teen Ink

Good Team Recipe

January 6, 2016
By Dowan231245 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dowan231245 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A full harvest of leadership
A beaker of team chemistry
A truckload of talent
A future of potential
A heap of muscle
A garden of perseverance filled with pots of adversity
A valley of upside
A couple moments of momentum
An instant of belief
A galaxy of fans
A dab of draft picks
A few droplets of walk-ons


Take a dab of draft picks and add them to a few droplets of walk-ons.
Mix well and add to a future of potential and let sit.
With the garden of perseverance and pots filled with adversity stir and add to your previous mixture.
Add a valley of upside and an instant of belief.
Stir in a heap of muscle and let sit in gym until muscles are fully pumped up.
A beaker of team chemistry should be added with a couple moments of momentum.
Lastly, a truckload of talent and a galaxy of fans are added
Bake in oven for entire season, a Victorious Team should manifest itself there.

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