The Sun Sets | Teen Ink

The Sun Sets

December 15, 2015
By scarletfire SILVER, Demotte, Indiana
scarletfire SILVER, Demotte, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun sets on Sunday
All the fun is done till next year
The costumes, makeup and props away
Back to the mundane everyday life
Friends who came and went in a flash
A chaste kiss try to stay concealed
Numbers and social media exchanged
All the fun is done till next year
The money was spent
The hotel room in shambles
Next year will be even greater
Four days of fun yet to come
So many things will be different
No more high school to be said
College will a wait just ahead
What will this journey led to in the end
Maybe to someone who will be more than a friend
The sun sets on Sunday

The author's comments:

This is from a anime convention that I had gone to.

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