Sneak Attact | Teen Ink

Sneak Attact

December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Anxiety sneaks up on me

One minute I'm laughing, often faking it

Or sometimes just doing homework

And it's worse when it's loud

Or crowded, or if he's around

But suddenly I can't breathe.

Suddenly I'm trapped

The walls, ceiling, and floor are closing in

I feel a familiar rush of panic radiating

It's in my toes, and my racing heart

My head pounds, and all I can think is

"Are they staring? Do I look crazy?"

But that's for only a second

Then it's all black.

I can't breathe. I gasp for air

I reach out, feeling for the world around me

All there is around me is




It's snuck up on me again,

My anxiety has perpretrated a sneak attack

And I wasn't ready.

The author's comments:

I've suffered from anxiety for a while now, and being able to put the feeling into words gives me some sort of indescribable freedom that I hope others can feel.

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