Don't Start With the Past | Teen Ink

Don't Start With the Past

December 12, 2015
By Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blink your eyes
Ten years past
Some things have changed
Now I’ve grown
Independent but strong
I’d hate you
But no thanks
I am stronger
Maybe I should
Thank you?
In the times
You weren’t there
I learned to
Take care of myself
I don’t need you
If you don’t want me
This life story
You’d never understand
Your baby girl
Is leaving
Going to college
You didn’t think
I could be better
Well I am
Than you
Could ever be
Than you would
Ever be
Treating me

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was still under my mom and stepdad's roof. My mom and I fought and still fight a lot, but in the end, we are both guilty. She brings up our pasts and I feel guilty but try to masquerade it with anger and hatred. 

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