Dear Daddy | Teen Ink

Dear Daddy

December 12, 2015
By Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Years go by
My smile remains
Where were you
Secretly I cried
Asking myself why
Do you care
Should I care
Who are you
I don’t know
Sadly I don’t
Do you love
Loved me always
Or abandoned me
Never called me
Never wanted me
I cried alone
Where were you
Can you hear
Each shed tear
You own child
Your only girl
You didn’t care
You still don’t
Kindergarten, new schools
Other kids laughed
I was different
I was lacking
You weren’t there
Didn’t say baby
Girl, stand tall
Do you love
Or abandon me
Say you’re broke
Love is free
Why not spend
Tried my best
Not to care
I always care
What you think
How are you
Where are you
Do you love
Me, baby girl
Lost without you
I want you
What about you
These tears shed
Alone in bed
Your baby girl
Crying for you
Where were you
Why leave me
Don’t you see
I need you
I need love
I want to
Say I cared
About you more
Than you have
ever loved me

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