Silent Murderer | Teen Ink

Silent Murderer

December 12, 2015
By Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
Joyce Li GOLD, Marlboro, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People have said don’t grow up too fast
I have learned that I need to
Growing up is not a journey
In an instant it takes the reins
Chokes my life out of me
Now I know without a doubt
Adulthood is not simple bliss
Money is always an issue
People are always there
I need to always care
No more ignorance
No more naivety
No more me
Only the world
The world is a big place
Casts me out to the immense seven seas
To explore the depths and heights
Take freedom and put it under a microscope
Observe the ways you can control it
Sucking the truth and life and love out of it

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