Staying Calm in Chaos | Teen Ink

Staying Calm in Chaos

December 6, 2015
By justme43 PLATINUM, Wheaton, Illinois
justme43 PLATINUM, Wheaton, Illinois
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One foot in front of the other,
One foot in front of the other.

Focus on breathing,
On the steps,
On the weight on your shoulders.

Focus on where you’re going,
Not where you’ve been,
Not what’s going on around you.

One foot in front of the other,
One foot in front of the other.

Ignore the bends and shakes of the ground,
The noise of fighting around you,
The hesitant authority above you.

Ignore the wind which threatens to collapse the bridge,
The waves which come a little too close,
The birds honing in on their kill.

One foot in front of the other,
One foot in front of the other.

The other side is far away,
Is getting closer,
Is getting closer.

Stepping on shakey bridge
Shakey bridge
Solid ground

One foot in front of the other,
One foot in front of the other.

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