The Hunt of Artemis | Teen Ink

The Hunt of Artemis

December 1, 2015
By AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Step. Step. Stop.
Pluck the Sweet Pea.
Walk. Walk. Wait.
Hear approaching footsteps.
Trot. Trot. Think.
Hide in the bush.
A squeal, then silence.
Bold steps, bow in hand.
The goddess approaches, arms stretched.
My breathing hicks, my heartbeat hurts.
Should I? Do I? Would I?
I will.
Steady legs stand, familiar shaking ceases.
Hands connect. Scars exchange between huntresses.
We flash brilliant smiles, short dresses and our wild hair whips in the wind.
Hurry. Hurry. Hunt.
Our story begins.

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