LGBTQ+ | Teen Ink


October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

We are locked away.
They keep us down.
They hurt us everyday,
and make a permanent frown.


Most of us don’t fight.
We can’t see any happy light.
Some of us are strong,
we fight because they think we’re wrong.


We’re locked in the closet
with the darkness, our only friend.


We shouldn’t hide,
we shouldn’t be afraid.
We should have pride
while the homophobes get slayed.


Their opinions of us are irrelevant.
They don’t know who we are.
We should come out without being hesitant.
We beat the homophobes by far.

The author's comments:

This poem is about how homophobes are against the LGBTQ+ community and what they do to keep us gays down and afraid to be who we are and are afraid that we won't be accepted by our friends and/or loved ones.

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