Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By 6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from hunting in the woods.
From my land up north 100 acres strong,
And my first deer and 10 ft camp fires.
From sitting still as a rock trying not to be seen,
And the frost biting at my face as I wait to pull the trigger.

I am from my first day of High School.
From making all new friends,
And trying to choose easy classes.
From deciding I hated half them anyways,
And working through them all the same.

I am from stealing bases on the field,
From scraping up my knees from sliding,
And feeling so electric as I rounded each base.
From making the team proud as I crossed home plate,
And hating myself for getting caught.

I am from memories that built me up to who I am today,
From hanging out with friends,
And from playing in the backyard.
From never wanting to say goodbye to my old friends,
And realizing it wasn’t so bad once I was here.

I am from smashing my hand in the door,
From trips to the hospital,
And my room which was always messy.
From never wanting to clean it,
And from summer nights, hanging out with friends.

I am from my drivers license.
From getting it the day I turned 16,
And my first car (red, and my grandma’s car).
From having to share it with my sister,
And fighting over whose turn it was to pay for gas.

I am from hunting in the woods.
From my land up north 100 acres strong,
And my first deer and 10 ft camp fires.
From sitting still as a rock trying not to be seen,
And the frost biting at my face as I wait to pull the trigger.

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