Where'd you go | Teen Ink

Where'd you go

August 29, 2015
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

Little girl all alone, no where to go, no where to call home. All alone she sits on a tomb in a graveyard. No friends, no family, no one at all. She sits there writing all alone. Talking to her self everyone knows. No one bothers to ask if she is okay.
She sits there all day long wanting to be gone, can't do it yet, sunrise is almost upon her. She waits till the sun disappears and soon you will hear her tell of sorrow " where are you, where'd you go? So sad and so alone. Please come find me, please take me home! I miss you and now your gone. You promised me I'd see you, and you never came, now all I have of you is what is in my hand!"

Tombs are all covered in grass all except one, no one has seen what it says, all she will say is its her other half. 4 years pass and go, little girl is dead and long passed, still hear her as we pass, buried next to the tomb where she sat.

Finally get a look at the tomb that read "my dearest I'm sorry I never came, love you like always, your other half."

Hers read "I stayed and waited on you all along, sang to you till morn.
Love you forever, your missing link."

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