Was it Me? | Teen Ink

Was it Me?

August 13, 2015
By DJC@180 SILVER, Broken Bow, Nebraska
DJC@180 SILVER, Broken Bow, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"

you hurt me everyday
and i cry each night
was it something i forgot to say?
or something i didnt do right?
Did I do something to you
Something i don’t recall?
is it something i forgot to do?
is there a reason you make me fall?
Did i hurt you when you said goodbye?
was it my fault that you left?
is it my fault that i still cry?
my heart you stole for theft

Each day i wish you would return it
and stop playing with the strings
cuz each time you tug on them
pain and sorrow is all it brings

do you see the tears i cry
and you ran away
you’re no longer there to wipe them dry
and i have nothing left to say

i gave you my heart
but why did you throw it down
why did you break it apart?
now i feel like a hopeless clown

did you have this plan all along?
did you plan to let me go?
everyday you prove me wrong
everyday you show me what i need to know
you show me that I’m wrong
for loving you to this day
and you make me to be quiet
showing me theres nothing left to say

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 15 2015 at 7:38 pm
I really like it! Some of the rhymes seem a little forced... but besides that I really like it! Good job. :)