What I Desire | Teen Ink

What I Desire

August 8, 2015
By nicolecg BRONZE, New York,
nicolecg BRONZE, New York,
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"même quand l'oiseau marche on sent qu'il a des ailes."--Even when the bird walks we sense that he has wings

-Antoine-Marin Lemierre

a thought, emerges

an irking, "quick! grab ahold of it!"

your side is remembrance and the other forgetfullness

a game, tug of war

but it slowly slides and gives way


leaking out of the 'so called' grasp of memory

the feeling still there reminiscing 

but the meaning has long since turned its back

             I wonder where they all go?

to some dark place in the back of the mind

far away from curiosity, youth, and brightness

where they churn thoughts into vacancy

and a little evil ruler sits atop a pile of them all

"been collecting for years," he'll say

to think them again,

   is what I desire

but that's a quest for a great soldier only 

who's willing to risk being turned


The author's comments:

This piece describes the process of losing a thought. The frustration of trying to remember. All writers experience this throughout their life, so I hope most can relate to the poem.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 12 2015 at 10:42 pm
nicolecg BRONZE, New York,
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"même quand l'oiseau marche on sent qu'il a des ailes."--Even when the bird walks we sense that he has wings

-Antoine-Marin Lemierre

This was amazing-- one of the best poems i have read