It's All In My Head | Teen Ink

It's All In My Head

May 18, 2015
By TTalley BRONZE, Mclaughlin, South Dakota
TTalley BRONZE, Mclaughlin, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I dream of days where there's life without pain. I keep my thoughts in my head to keep from being "insane". I look around to see nothing but depression. Reality is something I question. The thoughts I have, have been called crazy. I think they look at my thoughts a little hazy. They say my thoughts can hurt. I say my thoughts aren't too alert. My thoughts keep me safe, my thoughts keep me alive. My thoughts help me thrive. They think i'm mad, they think i'm crazed. It's not that, it's that im amazed. Look what kind of people we've become. I'm suprised not everyone is glum. Now my thoughts can't be said because they say it's all in my head.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was that i've noticed about what people have become and everytime I want to say something about it. Or everytime I try to say my thoughts. They say that everythings all in my head.

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