Real Love | Teen Ink

Real Love

May 19, 2015
By Trejhaun SILVER, Mobile, Alabama
Trejhaun SILVER, Mobile, Alabama
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing. &quot;<br /> -Benjamin Franklin<br /> &quot;Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.&quot;<br /> -Leo Tolstoy

Love doesn't tear you down.
Love builds you up,
As in, no man should demean you.
As in, no woman should hold you back.
Love doesn't blind you.
Love opens up your eyes,
As in, he broadens your horizons.
As in, she subjects you to new experiences.
Love doesn't control,
Love follows.
As in, he's your shoulder to cry on.
As in, she's your ear that always listens.
Love is not perfect because
Nothing and No one is perfect;
Love can only be real.
It can only be honest and true.
Love makes a good thing better,
Love makes a strong person stronger.
Love does not lie, cheat, or steal
Love compliments and uplifts and inspires
It does not own, control, or show off
Love allows you to see the world in a new light, when before things were looking a little dim
Love comforts, supports, and grows; it is going out on a limb
Love is unconditional
Love is irreplaceable
Love is imperfect
Love is priceless
Love is unstoppable
Find a person who is all these things,
And you have found love.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a past relationship. The experience helped me grow and make better decisions about who I wanted to be with.

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