Love Hurts | Teen Ink

Love Hurts

May 14, 2015
By TTalley BRONZE, Mclaughlin, South Dakota
TTalley BRONZE, Mclaughlin, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She fell in love with him,

and the lights in her heart went dim.

She was broken, she was hurt.

Her feelings were now alert. 

She cried and cried and cried, 

but her feelings she would hide.

Oh, she loved him dearly and her love was clearly.

He was missed but her love for him was dissed.

Physically it felt like a shove, 

but what she felt was love.

She loved but then fell,

her life was now a living hell.

The author's comments:

Something that inspired me about this was that this is my feelings for someone I can never be with.

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