Unique | Teen Ink


May 4, 2015
By me_1230 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
me_1230 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Go find a different one.
This one is Mommy’s,”
Mom instructs as she loosens
my fingers from the ash cat figurine.
I fight tears and wander the store
in search of a replacement.
“Hurry up, Michelle.”
In haste, I snatch an animal
the size of my tiny fist,
disappointment coursing through me.

Now, I blow dust off
of the smoky gray frog
that perches on a rock.
While the figurine
can’t replace the cat,
I realize I’m glad
I chose the frog,
because it’s beautiful
in a unique way.

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