Breach | Teen Ink


May 4, 2015
By owensk BRONZE, Liberty Twp, Ohio
owensk BRONZE, Liberty Twp, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As they walk together, hand in hand,
He gets on one knee, in the glistening sand.
Reaches for his pocket, pulling out a ring, asks,
“Will you marry me?”

Wedding bells ring, the chorus sings, as the newlyweds beam,
Ready for a new adventure, she fingers her ring,
Watching it sparkle in the fluorescent lighting.

Shortly after their day, three girls make their way.
Fighting outbreaks, she kicks, he hits, over and over.
The couple calls for their girls and tells them,
“It’s no longer”.

The middle child was as happy as birds in a tree,
She was too young to understand.
The words became a reality, and the man is gone.
The ones, who once loved so deeply, have hatred.
And that’s when the glass shattered.

The author's comments:

What inspired me was an unforgettable event that happened in my family; my parents divorce

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