Succumbing to God | Teen Ink

Succumbing to God

April 25, 2015
By baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I am afraid.
I will give you courage.

I am worthless.
I will give you worth.

I am alone.
I am with you.

The darkness has swallowed me.
I have a lantern.

I have no strength to stand.
My arms are good and strong.

Yes, I am afraid,
but God is bigger than my fears.
And courage comes from him.

I am not worthless,
God gives me worth.
I am important.

I am not alone,
for God has found me.
I have found a friend in him.

Though I was in darkness,
His light guided me to him.
He who is light.

I can not stand,
but his arms can carry me.
I am weak,
but he is strong.

I am loved

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