Hidden Insecurities | Teen Ink

Hidden Insecurities

April 16, 2015
By Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They’re right there.
I can see the truth.
You don’t have to hide them from me.
You’re not alone.

They like to cause problems.
They want to grow.
They want attention.
They feed off it.

It’s a war inside your head.
They want you to obey them.
You want them to go away.
When will it be over?

Sometimes, they disappear.
But they never die.
More take their place.
It’s just a game to them.

It’s all a game.
The real question is, who are the pawns?
Who will win and who will lose?
Those are the ones that I feed.

I wonder if I will win.
Will I win this war?
Will I lose?
Should I not give this so much attention?

The author's comments:

Everyone has their own insecurities, don't feel like you're the only one with them. Trust me, you're not.

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