I am mauna kea | Teen Ink

I am mauna kea

April 13, 2015
By Hinamalaelena Ioane BRONZE, Kea&#39au, Hawaii
Hinamalaelena Ioane BRONZE, Kea&#39au, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The oceans surround her
Land builds up to her
She is the Piko, the navel, of us kanaka or hawaiian people
From the depths of the sea
To where clouds meet land
She stands the tallest mountain

Her cloak of white creates a chill down her body
Effecting all of Hawai?i by winds
Home to the two legged
The four legged
The eight legged
And the ones carried by wings

She who created I
She who gives life from within
And She who connects me to my sky father as well as my earth mother
I am a protector of her
I am one who rests on her
I am Mauna Kea

The author's comments:

Right now Hawai?i is going threw a problem where two buildings, telescopes, were built on our sacred mountain Mauna Kea. The telescopes are 8 stories deep and 18 stories tall. The people of Hawai?i are starting to protest to take the telescopes off our mountain.

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