Tick, Tock | Teen Ink

Tick, Tock

April 6, 2015
By Jessica Hudak BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Jessica Hudak BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm trapped in a maze,

Forced to choose a life path

That leads to my goal of self-fufillment.

My father's footsteps

Are impressed into the engineering path,

Advocating a future as an erudite engineer.

My mother's voice

Suggests the medical school path,

Leading towards a career as a distinguished doctor.

I picture my grandparents

Traveling down the law school path decades ago;

They told me they would be so proud

If I, too, went down that path

To become an illustrious lawyer.

Which path should I choose?


Tick, tock.

A clock constantly counts down

Time I have left to decide.

Every second,

It announces I am growing

Farther and farther from childhood,

Nearer and nearer to adulthood.

Tick, tock.


When I was little,

I was convinced

My destined journey

Was to become a princess;

Becoming the President

Was my back-up plan.

But now I have no choice

But to face reality.

Realistically determine

What makes me special.

What my identity truly is.

Tick, tock.


Infinite impossible decisions:

Big college, small college?

In-state school, out-of-state school?

Public university, private university?

Tick, tock.


Unceasing upcoming hurdles:

Make friends in sea of unfamiliar faces,

Keep up with burdensome course load,

Adjust to new schedule,



As I get pushed

Into the Real World,

I will miss

"The good old days."

But no one can

Turn back the hands of time,

Nor should anyone dwell in the past.

One must keep marching forward.

Tick, tock.

The author's comments:

As a junior in high school, I am approaching the time in which I must decide which university to attend as well as what my major will be. However, making such decisions can feel overwhelming. In my poem, I captured the essence of the pressure one feels as he or she prepares to enter "the Real World." Because this magazine is directed towards teens, most readers will relate to my poem.

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This article has 1 comment.

dya.o PLATINUM said...
on Apr. 14 2015 at 10:46 am
dya.o PLATINUM, Milton, Florida
43 articles 0 photos 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;If consensus is overrated, I think balance is, too.<br /> I have no interest in living a balanced life.<br /> I want a life of adventure.&rdquo; | Chris Guillebeau

Wow. I love this. You really captured the essence of a teenager realizing they're becoming an adult. I can very much respond and sympathize towards this, I just started college not too long ago. The harshness of reality is brutal but still refreshing in a way. Anyways, great poem! I really enjoyed it!