Annihilated by true love | Teen Ink

Annihilated by true love

April 3, 2015
By Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things happen for a reason

When I have you I have all of heaven
When I have you I have this whole world
Eradicated by your love is sheer bliss
May my life's soul be refuged by your heart
Descending into the deepest depths of darkness was my only choice but you're here now
As as close as aroma to love
As close as restless nights to sweet dreams
As close as arms to encircle
As close as dreams are to eyes
When I have you I have the world
Destroyed in your heart is sheer bliss
The vast black Sea of excruciating pain entangled in my abyssal heart will now erupt and be gone forever
As close as love to the sound of your heart
As close as the showers of rain and to the beauty of your mind
As close as the shimmering light of the moon to the sight of our boon
As close as bright blue waves are to the vast bounteous ocean
My life was blemished
My soul was blemished
My heart was blemished
I myself was blemished
Now the moon is perfect it's complete and so is the sky
And now we are once again whole......

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