A Day At The Park | Teen Ink

A Day At The Park

March 26, 2015
By michellen BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
michellen BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Day by Day

A day at the park is like any other day. Except when you’re a kid, anything and everything is cheerful. A day at the park for a child is, swinging on the great vines of metal chains and plastic seating, making him feel like Peter Pan soaring through the sky on an expedition to Neverland. A day at the park for a child is ,pausing a game of tag to go eat turkey sandwiches, and drink Capri sun while aimlessly thinking about your mother’s, countless warnings to watch out for that rusted edge on the slide. A day at the park for a child consists of, begging your mom to stay longer because you made new friends while playing a game of basketball on the old worn out court, with dismantled hoops. But most of all a day at the park for a child is, a day to remember, that while you’re packing up watching the sun fall you think about your day’s latest events and smile at the thought of how everything went as planned. Then as you sit back in your car seat tired of another eventful day you yawn begin to laugh, because today, you’re day at the park, was the best day of your adolescent life, and you cannot wait to go to bed and wake up to see tomorrows adventures.

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