Wake Up | Teen Ink

Wake Up

March 13, 2015
By Jking SILVER, Oxford, Alabama
Jking SILVER, Oxford, Alabama
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

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some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it- eminem<br /> wise man say something to say. fools talk because they have to say something

My mom and dad
Talking without getting mad
I woke up their still broke up
The missing link I need someone before I sink
I cant even think before I blink
Its dark inside this hollow mind
Its like im blind to all mankind
I fast forward, my step-dad hit her
I hit him back, im coming back
The man in black, im not  mad
I just want my hero back
I looked up to him. He looked down on me
Youll see one day the whole worlds gonna put a crown on me
Don't you belive in me
Cant you see I want to be who I want to be
Life is watter you can drown me, or help me
Pain is just a word so you cant hurt me
He spit fire back into me
That's why I get chills when I lay this verse
I still love you even though it hurts
And that's when the curtains burst, and that's all the hurt

The author's comments:

this poem that i wrote is about my family when i was growing up. this poem really means a lot to me

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