Alone | Teen Ink


February 19, 2015
By savgrace SILVER, Moline, Illinois
savgrace SILVER, Moline, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
No matter how perfect something is, it may not be right for you anymore.

What would it feel like
If I woke up one morning
Staring at the ceiling

And all I saw
Was myself staring back?

What would it feel like
If every night I fell asleep
Staring out the window

And all I saw
Was the moon staring back?

What would it feel like
To be alone in this world
With helpless fate

And I you could feel
Was my emotions tearing me apart?

What would it feel like
If I were surrounded by people
Faces dripping to the ground

And all I felt
Was the absolute terror of being alone?

Being alone
My greatest nightmare

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