One broken life | Teen Ink

One broken life

February 9, 2015
By Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things happen for a reason

What is life? Is it worth living? Some people in my life is just a threat to me and my life. Why am I awake I know why for the people I only love, for the people who love me. I have edges, I have lengths you can't just push me around and expect me to latch it on myself and take it all in, I'm going to break. I can't stand it anymore, this is the end and that's it, you may think I don't have the strength but trust me I'll get out of this horrid shell.
What do you think that I can't do anything but follow you? Oh I do that very well but let me tell you one thing this is the end. you won't just see the old me but the true me. You think that I'm selfish, rude, cruel and disrespectful and you! What are you! You play with my emotions, you play with Me! Remember I'm broken and much more stronger than I ever was. I will be back and I will make a revolution that's yet to come. You play with me one more time and something new will be happening soon.

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