game of hearts | Teen Ink

game of hearts

February 8, 2015
By vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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whether you can or can't, you're right

you picked clubs and i picked spades

we don't dare touch the hearts

we both know it’s a tricky hand to play

you said i was your diamond

but that could be the joker talking

playing us I'm BS, hoping he will win.

you say you like me

i call a bluff

you heart is like a cold deck

Never the same card in one hand.

both ready to be challenged

but also want to fold

i go out first

you’re next to come

i look at your hand

and see straight hearts

but i have the one you need

The author's comments:

if you don't know what the game BS is it is a game where you lie to win. so i wrote this about a guy 

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