Numbers poem | Teen Ink

Numbers poem

February 12, 2015
By Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
Faedarcel SILVER, Vista, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
For god and country, I will end your life.


Thats is how many times my mother has screamed at me for something I believed in.


Is the number that reprsents how many times a person has lied and stabbed me in the back.


Is the magic number of how many friends I currently have.

2.50 million

Is how many times i have cried.

3.33 million

Is how many time i have been "schooled" or beaten.

But there is one number that I can never find, that number is of how many times i will keep trying. 

The author's comments:

Just to let you all know I am not deppresed, this is just my life. 

And if you are like me, I  want you to put your middle finger to the sky and yell, " This is my life, I am going to do what I want!"

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