welcome to the swamp | Teen Ink

welcome to the swamp

January 27, 2015
By thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking through the swamp with my friends  
All of the sudden we heard a stomp

tree branches cracking and leaves rustling 
Mr. Quinn was soliciting a rooster as bait

we heard growls and sounds of the swamp
there was a swamp monster lurking around
We could hear footsteps shaking the ground

M' took out his boomerang and was ready to throw
Bennett saw the swamp monster and said oh no
M’ started to throw
Just as Yohan started said lets just go
the swamp monster was defeated

out of nowhere a vicious rooster
came pecking kicking and destroying
the swamp monster 

Welcome to the swamp

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