Memories | Teen Ink


January 23, 2015
By Blakeytea BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Blakeytea BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She drinks the mint julip of life's brandy.

Memories have many flavors
Some are sweet like sugar
Filling you with giddy giggles,
Some are warming like hot chocolate
Filling you warmth and rosy cheeks,
Some taste of bittersweet pomegranates,
Reminding you of how things used to be,
Some are spoiled milk
Once pleasant, now disgusting,
Some are sour lemons,
Making you cringe at those thoughts,
Some burn like spicy peppers
Inciting angry passion,
Some are alcoholic
Getting you drunk off nostalgia,
Some act as poison
Killing you with thoughts of all
The words unspoken or regretted,

The author's comments:

What are your flavored memories?

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