When Time Stands Still | Teen Ink

When Time Stands Still

January 17, 2015
By itsleviosaaa BRONZE, Modesto, California
itsleviosaaa BRONZE, Modesto, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look towards the future, but not so far as to miss today."

Your presence soothes me,

A breathe of fresh air

To these tattered lungs.

Your eyes are painted with stars,

Captivating my attention.

Your smile is my sun,

A beckon of hope,

A promise of unconditional love.

And when I hold this 

Compilation of beauty in my hands,

And I gaze into your galaxies,

Everything else fades,

And time stands still.

The author's comments:

This is a brief description of what I felt when I held the person I love in my arms and looked lovingly into her eyes. Love radiated around us and formed and unbreakable bond between us. It was a beautiful experience and I hope all of you feel the same way I did.

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