The Love Romeo and Juliet Never Knew | Teen Ink

The Love Romeo and Juliet Never Knew

January 6, 2015
By Carson Whitaker BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
Carson Whitaker BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not a second goes by that I don't 

Want you.

I'm a glass half empty

A song without a voice

A prayer without a God

And a bird without wings 

When we're apart.

You have changed everything.

The way I breathe

The way I walk

The way I love.

Your touch sets me free, while

Your absence imprisons me to


You are the bottle

That carries my message.

I whisper in your ear

All the temptations that entice me.

Of the 7 Deadly Sins,

Lust is my choice

But it is not my shame.

Of this one sin, I 

Shall not repent

For loving you is not one of my regrets.

Our love is a love that 

Shakespeare could not comprehend.

But when the sun rises

I take my leave

And I am unaware of my return.

So promise me, 

One last night to chance.

Grasp me roughly 

And love me gentle.

Pull me close,

Skin to skin.

Look into my eyes,

I dare you to love.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem with my boyfriend in mind. Nobody could ever comprehend the love I have for him, and that is what I am trying to show with this poem.

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