Who I am. | Teen Ink

Who I am.

January 7, 2015
By ghotiAKAfish BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ghotiAKAfish BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

So much of our life is spent in shadows, slinking ever so precariously along the side brick walls, eternally wondering what will come to pass when we turn the next corner. 


So much of our life is spent hiding, paying homage to that childhood game we once knew. The difference is, we hide not to be found, but that so we may remain nameless and remote, teetering on the edge of sanity, waiting for that thing to come snatch us away, and so we hide, and hide, and so we wait, in the shadows.


So much of our life is spent running, whether it be away from our troubles, or headlong into the battle, we run, and run. Relying not on our speed, but our agility and acuity, and when all seems lost, and when we cannnot run anymore, we have no choice but to seek a reassuring place to hide.


So little of our life is spent looking, searching for what makes us strong. We might glimpse a spec here or there, but the puzzle remains a mystery. We focus so much on what we are doing, how we decide to live each and every second of our ever so shortening lives, that we so often forget that sometimes, it is right to just take a seat, and look. 

Look over the horizon, past what we know.

Look over the moon, past the galaxies and stars of nature unknown.

Look over the hate, and past it, you can see the love.

Look over yourself, look through what words have been through your way. 

Look over me, and love me for who I am. 

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