Or we are but animals | Teen Ink

Or we are but animals

January 6, 2015
By Jordan Brown BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Jordan Brown BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heart breaks and desperation
Setting the example for the next generation
People misunderstanding that killing a man
Doesn't wipe him clean of sin
All future repentance is lost cause of a single moment sentence


You miss all of the shots you don't take
Or the ones you can't take in this case
And the thing about this case
It has two shooters,
but one got an indictment while the other lays in his grave


Everyone is a sinner
It is the bane of all man
But valuing human life is crucial
Or we are but animals


I believe in white privilege
Despite white as my race
I have seen the cultural heritage of many Americans
And not one deserves the terror that reigns
Yet, are white people to blame?
You may understand that being white is not a decision
We are all born into our own situation
But as a white kid
I must say
We aren't all killers
Just as you shouldn't be condemned to death for the color on your face

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place
I don't believe in discrimination of ethnicity
Yet with the circumstances at hand
I feel both arguments have something to lend

Maybe the value of human life isn't at its highest
Brothers, sons
Daughters and sisters,
many have died
because race is seemed as a condition
An unpleasant affliction
Yet in this sensitive situation,
who has the right to give God's conviction?
Is violence not the way of the human race?
Gangs shoot each other down everyday
Yet when a white cop shoots a black kid,
the national guard has to storm in

The depiction of the situation leaves many a person under consideration
"Racist, that's all white people are"
You slander a race because of one police officer?
"You do the same to us. We aren't all felons"
I never said you were,
You just saw a white man make a remark on channel seven
"Hands up, don't shoot"
You know, there are more deaths than those on the news

Here's the bottom line
After all this slander and crime
Good men die every day
From Iraq, Syria
North Korea to Afghanistan
From South America to the Asian East
Humans die by the thousands
Yet where are your hollowed screams?
Humans are human
This should be that
Don't defend one man just because he is black
For the safety of our children
Soldiers die in pits and in trenches

Defending the lives of millions,

 and for the safety of our children
yet when Michael Brown dies
It is he who receives all the attention

I see your hands, so I won't shoot
You can't breathe, so I'll let loose

Tell me the last words of an American soldier?
Your racial "heroes" didn't die intentionally
But you praise them as martyrs
While those who gave their lives purposely
Are left silent on the last page of the periodical paper


Are we but carnivores and oppressors
Hunters and successors
Victims and Heirs
In a torrent of opinionated conjecture

Human is just a title
Are we to be civilized in this wild?
Are these goals practically attainable?
Or we are but animals

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