Betrayal | Teen Ink


December 9, 2014
By Anonymous

The thing about betrayal,
He demands to be felt,
Caressing gently at first,
Such as a love struck couple,
But only to caught one off guard for his truest nature,
He shall ravage one's body and loins,
Laughing as a warm heat radiates off his lips,
They say he has a nice side,
Sadly one will never see that.
They say that betrayal is a tyrant,
Stripping the fabric of reality from those he steals from,
And what dose he take?
Not materialistic trinkets,
Meaningless marvels,
No my friend he steals what one can never replace,
He strips ones innocent and life with his gruff hands,
Replacing the light and joy with the truth,
Leaving one on the grounds of life,
A lesser being as before,
Shaken beyond belief of the wrongdoing that has succumb them.
They say it is possible to overcome his touch,
But, What cost must you pay? To erase the images of betrayal standing over oneself,
What is the cost?To retrieve what may never be gained,
The answer my friends,

Why do I say this?
For one can never forget betrayal,
He remains inside oneself,
Like an insignificant gnat buzzing around one's ear,
One may never escape his grasp,
His calloused hands rubbing there hearts for all eternity,
He dose not care for beings he toys with,
Amuses himself with their torment,
No my friends betrayal demands to be felt,
Until the day one dies and is lower six feet under,
Only then is one rid of his awful touch.

The author's comments:

The thing about Betrayal, he demands to be felt.

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This article has 1 comment.

Hanban12 ELITE said...
on Dec. 15 2014 at 8:42 pm
Hanban12 ELITE, Lake Worth, Florida
133 articles 7 photos 631 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them."
Henry David Thoreau

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, and then all at once."
John Green

Hey, Luna! Oh my gosh, it's been a while since I've read your work, huh? We have to talk more :) Well, you've certaintly impressed me again though, with your uncanny ability to reel the reader in at the very first sentence of the poem. Love all of your imagery and details, as well as your questions that force the reader to look into himself. Wonderful techniques, and well done, Luna! *claps* :)