Winter Ball | Teen Ink

Winter Ball

December 5, 2014
By MichaelaF SILVER, New City, New York
MichaelaF SILVER, New City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cold air burns my nose and throat
Breath clouding overhead
Sleeves pulled tight around my throwing hand
Fingers so numb I can barely grip the ball

Cleats stuck in the dirt
And mud frozen like concrete
Dry leaves covering the field
Like a carpet as tacky as glue

Gusts of wind howl through layers of clothes
Biting exposed hands and uncovered skin
Skewing the pitcher’s throw
As the ball travels across the plate

My bat stings my hands on contact
Freezing muscles screaming in protest
Pulling the ball towards the far off fence

Sweatshirt’s too thin, air’s too cold, dirt’s too hard
Softball in springtime doesn't quite have
The hard edge of winter ball
It’s perfect (I love it)

The author's comments:

I've played softball for as long as I can remember and it's been one of the biggest things in my life for just as long. The people I've met and the places I've been to because of softball are incredible and the bonds that I've formed with my teammates and opponents alike over the years are ones that will remain long after its time to hang up the cleats (which is never ;P)

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