The Predator | Teen Ink

The Predator

December 4, 2014
By austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A beast crouched behind the brush,
silently watching the creature in front of him.
This time it’s no longer the predator,
for now it is its turn to be hunted.
A deadly killer of the night,
hidden from the world’s most dangerous predator.
Staring at the most dangerous killer,
hoping that it won’t be the next victim.

Claws clutched the ground,
preparing for a predatory war.
Fangs hang from it’s mouth,
letting out a thunderous, intimidating growl.
The predator turns,
anxious to claim his next trophy.
Staring face to face,
into the eye’s of a murderous soul.

Fear’s in the eyes of the beast,
knowing the mistake it made.
Endangered like the rest of it’s species,
because of the predator’s selfishness.
Prepared to die, it leaps,
knowing it must kill or be killed.
Staring down the barrel of a gun,
it never stood a chance.

a gunshot rang through the jungle.
The beast fell,
dead from the blast of the human’s gun.
The predator stands tall over its prey,
proud of his costly kill.
Staring at his victim,
oblivious to the effects of his kill.

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